STING Events

  1. I understand that the purpose of Sting Events is to allow opportunities for exploring Kink, BDSM, Fetishes and other forms of power and sensation play.

  2. I will keep my energy, activities, clothing and conversations in line with the event's intention.

  3. I understand that clothing is optional at this event and that I and other participants may choose to go without clothing. As part of caring for our community and for best hygiene practices, I will keep something between my body and all bedding, furnishings and flooring at all times (such as a sarong, towel, etc.)

  4. I understand we are being intentional about no skin to skin contact with genitals and no bodily fluid exchange. I understand some exercises may provide people with the option to engage in genital or anal contact with a barrier (such as a sarong), and therefore it is possible I will witness some or all of those activities.