Hive Love Event Rules

Hive Love Event Rules

  1. I understand I must be 18 years old to attend all Hive Love events (unless explicitly stated otherwise in the event description). I understand I must bring a photo ID with me to the event to verify my age/identity.

  2. I will keep my energy, activities, clothing and conversations in line with the boundaries of the event type. 

  3. I know it is my responsibility to ensure I am able to engage with others offering full and clear consent. Therefore, I will show moderation in my use of any substance that might affect my ability to be present to or with others  (including medications). And I will honor the boundaries of this event regarding sobriety as outlined in the event description.

  4. All interactions and activities are consensual. If I do not wish to participate in any activity or interaction, I will politely say ‘no’ or otherwise clearly communicate my boundaries. 

    1. If I decline an interaction, or decide to “sit out” on an activity, I know that I am welcome to participate in other interactions and activities.

    2. All physical interactions must have the explicit consent of all participants involved. I will not just "reach out and touch someone". I will obtain their specific verbal permission unless we have an agreement in advance (such as perma-consent).

    3. I will respect if I receive a polite 'no' or someone communicates their boundaries in a non-verbal manner after previously giving consent (such as moving my arm off of them or moving away from my touch). 

  5. If I am sick (have a cold, sore throat, fever etc.) or have any illness transmittable via the activities of this event, I will stay home and not attend the event. I will honor the COVID policy of each event as outlined in the event description.

  6. Assuming I have consent of those I am interacting with, I am free to engage in any non-transmittable activities within the boundaries of the event. For example, if I have a skin rash or herpes outbreak I will disclose to the people that I am interacting with that I have this condition and only engage in non-transmittable activities.

  7. Connection can lead to feelings of attraction, and can lead people to want to dive deeper. I understand if I am interested in getting to know someone more after the event, I will offer them my contact information, but I will not ask for their contact information. 

  8. I understand that taking pictures or making audio or video recordings is prohibited. 

  9. I will respect the confidentiality of all participants and will not disclose names of participants to others. I understand that after the event, I am free to discuss my own experiences, but I will not include anyone else's name or describe other participants in any way that might disclose their identity.

  10. In all our playfulness, I will honor and care for those I interact with and the group as a whole. I understand that I have a responsibility to alert the Hosts or other members of the group if I have any difficulties or see other participants not abiding by the event rules.